Filming, Editing, Video Effects and Color Grading

Scenario, Filming, Editing, Color Grading, Audio, Sound Effects (SFX)

Rates for Simple Music Video

Following are rates for simple music video production projects (one man band). Cost for complex projects involves more planning and management, and is calculated on individual basis.

Half day, one day, 1.5 days etc. referenced below are time for filming which also represents amount of video footage (complexity). Cost of editing, color grading, planning is increasing proportionally to complexity.

All costs in USD.

There is options of signing video production contracts remotely using DocuSign.

Typical Payment Breakdown:

  • 50% - Production Deposit (Non Refundable, to be payed 2 weeks before the filming)

  • 25% - First Round of Edits

  • 25% - Final Video Submitted

As a part of the service we provide collaboration environment in Microsoft Teams and cloud storage in Dropbox (included for time of the project).